Our Responsibility

Through our actions and communication, we wish to reflect our role in the industry as reliable and solid with honest business conduct and a positive culture. We have an Employee Procedure for raising concern about suspected wrongdoing or malpractice, and DLF has signed a European code of conduct for the seed industry (ESA SFG Code of Conduct). Our research and development activities focus on developing varieties tailored for various uses as well as environmental and climate impacts.

We are focused on growth and ensuring a safe working environment. We are committed to the growth taking place while complying with national legislation in the countries where we operate.

We support the recent legislation introduced by the UK government to help address the global problems of human trafficking and worker exploitation.  Our UK subsidiary, DLF Seeds Ltd has therefore taken appropriate measures to ensure that it is compliant with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Around the world, DLF strives to maintain responsible relationships with people and organisations based on mutual respect and understanding. 

The sustainability report for the financial year 2021/22 is
the DLF Group’s statutory Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

The sustainability report includes the Danish parent company and the group subsidiaries.