Treated seed has a better start in life

At DLF we're constantly pushing performance boundaries with new varieties of grass seed offering improved characteristics. Even so, customers often prefer to spend a bit more so that they can sow treated versions of those seeds. They're making a sound investment because sowing conditions vary from farm to farm and from year to year. Treated seed has a much better chance of thriving under adverse conditions when untreated seed might fail.

Types of seed treatment

Seed treatment terminology

Plant Nutrition    

The ultimate seed treatment (encrusted) 
with Nitrogen

4 times more efficient use of fertilizers
(feed the seed not the weed!)
Growth Enhancers    
Headstart Seed treatment with sea weed extracts,
proteins, enzymes
More and healthier seedlings
ProLime  Seed treatment with lime (encrusted) Better establishment and minimizing
moss due to pH effect

Treated seed performs better

  • Improved plant nutrition
  • Better establishment
  • Faster germination
  • Protection against insects and diseases
  • Protection against abiotic stress

Pays for itself

Treated seed costs more than untreated. Greenkeepers and groundsmen who make that additional investment find that it pays for itself.

  • Reduces the risk of a poor result
  • Makes efficient use of chemical and fertiliser inputs – direct contact feeds the seeds not the weeds
  • Gives weeds less chance to establish
  • Requires less chemical and fertiliser input – better for the environment
  • Colourants reduce losses through bird picking
  • Finishers improve the flow of seeds through a sowing machine

DLF Seed Treatment Technology

DLF Professional Seed Technology® covers a range of technical developments that support young grass plants during their early, most vulnerable stages of life.

The following table lists the range of standard DLF seed treatments applicable to any seed or mixture. 

Types of seed treatment

Seed technology terminology

Technology   Active Ingredient Binder Color Finish
Treated The active ingredient adheres
well to the seed, so no need for
additional binders
Film Coated When adding a powdered
substance, an adhesive element may
be needed to keep it on the
seed during transport and
+ + (+)  
Encrusted When higher quantities of an
active ingredient are required,
it is often necessary to add
extra filler materials to obtain a
firm coating. The shape of the
original seed is visible
+ + + +
Pelleted Is encrusted seed with the only
difference that the original
shape of the seed is no longer
visible. The end product is a
round ball
+ + + +