Protect your lawn against diseases

New lawns can sometimes be susceptible to diseases. At DLF we are constantly working to develop grass mixtures with higher disease resistance, to ensure your lawn the best possible protection against the most common lawn diseases. There are some easy tricks to avoiding common lawn diseases. 


Fusarium is a common lawn disease. It can appear at any time, although autumn is the most likely period. Fusarium shows itself as patches of brown grass measuring from two to 30 cms across. Treat the patch and surrounding areas with a liquid fungicide.

Do not use a high nitrogen-content fertiliser in autumn or winter.

Lawn diseases Fusarium


Corticium, or red thread, is associated with dry, sandy soils and a shortage of nitrogen. It appears in late summer or autumn as patches that start small and rapidly grow to a metre or more in diameter. You can tell it's corticium by the tiny, thin red needles projecting from the blades of dead grass.

Treat the patches and surrounding area with a liquid fungicide, and apply lawn sand in the spring.

Lawn diseases Corticium

Grasses to help you avoid diseases

We're continually refining our grass varieties to build in better resistance to disease. Choosing disease-resistant grass seed is good for your lawn and for the environment because you'll need less fungicide to keep your lawn disease free.

Turfline® Grassfix is a good seed mixture for keeping diseases out of your lawn. Adding Microclover® to improve the nitrogen levels helps combat red thread disease. And varieties containing Quick Action®  are particularly disease-tolerant.