Did you know that you effectively increases your yield only by choosing varieties from DLF PLUS?
Add 45 % of ryegrass PLUS to your forage mixture and obtain a higher yield and a better supply of homegrown forage for your stock.
This might seem a little unbelievable but it has become a clear fact for many farmers as two mixtures tested in official Danish trials revealed the results.
Ryegrass PLUS
Testing two mixtures, ForageMax 35 and ForageMax 45, gave an increase of 25 % in yield only by adding 45 % Ryegrass PLUS.
Remarkably, the ForageMax 45 mixture yielded 25 % more but it also contained 5 % less ryegrass, which meant more space for red clover and white clover.
ForageMax 35
ForageMax 45
60 % in first and second cut is not unusual.
The benefit of ryegrass PLUS is not only an increase in yield but it also starts growing early in the season where it can use the natural moisture in the ground. In practice, we do in fact see that it often yield up to 60 % of the annual yield in the first + second cut.
More milk and more meat with higher digestibility.
Cutting ryegrass PLUS at the right time on spring – just before heading followed by cut for each 25 days with 5-6 cuts a year will give you a very high digestibility with a protein content around 150 gram pr. kg dry matter.
7-8 cm and 10-15 cm are numbers to remember getting the highest persistency.
Several trials and farm visits has given us a huge experience in management. We have learned that you get the highest persistency in a field of ryegrass PLUS, if you cut between 7-8 centimeters – never lower as it might be crucial for your sward. Going for a last large cut in October, you need to remember allowing 10-15 centimeters regrowth before winter will give you a high yielding grass field for years to come and at least for 3-4 years.
If you want to learn more and stay tuned becoming a first mover in knowledge about forage grasses sign up for our newsletter here.
You also have the opputunity to hear more about PLUS grasses if you contact your local DLF consultant.
Read more about ryegrass PLUS here
Read more about tall fescue PLUS here
Read more about the science behind PLUS grasses here.
Read more about Festulolium here.
Find your ForageMax mixture with Festulolium here.