4turf® is a new type of Perennial ryegrass with many advantages.
Groundsman in Parken (Home stadium of FC Copenhagen, Denmark), Daniel Madsen, is absolutely sure what he wants to sow on his training pitches: "I use a mixture with 4turf®. It has a beautiful colour, fast and strong establishment and is wear tolerant. These are the features I need in order to create the perfect pitches for the conditions here."
4turf®, which is a new type of Perennial ryegrass with many advantages, has extraordinary winter strength, a strong establishment, is very drought tolerant and has a nice colour. Daniel Madsen also highlights the high germination percentage and the speed of germination: "4turf® has a good germination percentage. I have noticed that many plants establish compared to how much I sow. And I find that it germinates already within 4-5 days". Since 2013, Daniel Madsen has overseeded FC Copenhagen’s two training pitches with mixtures containing 4turf®.
Read more about 4Turf® here