...to do something about your lawn?
If you are home a lot these days you may feel the urge to get ahead with improvement of the garden lawn. In the following an introduction to some spring activities for the lawn are drawn out.
Both private and public lawns and parks have had trouble draining the turf surfaces at the speed the water was coming down.
With a bit of preparation and a good lawn mixture adapted to your region your lawn will be able to buffer the wet conditions.
Aeration of the root zone by verticutting or spiking holes will enhance the activity of the roots and the beneficial soil microorganisms. It breaks sole layers if you can get deep enough. The grass plants roots are trimmed, but the perennial grass plants can handle it no problem.
The lawn grass mixture are buffering any challenging conditions. Coming from a wet season into a dry spring some species have not survived, while others, for example smooth-stalked meadow-grass, will have thrived despite extended period of soggy soil. This leaves an area of lawn that withstand wet conditions, but now it seems we are moving into a dry period. And the buffer ability of the lawn should be reinstalled.
Over some years, it will become noticeable to the trained eye, that the lawn has segregated into local conditions in the lawn: Fescues will increase in shadow areas, traffic areas will leave smooth stalked and ryegrass, waterlogged patches are as mentioned most tolerable for the smooth-stalked meadow-grass. Eventually, the mature lawn will appear naturally patchy as it adapts to the local conditions. Learn more about some of the advantages of lawn mixtures here.
To ensure continued performance, to rejuvenate and to homogenize your lawn, implement a springtime over seeding plan every few years. This especially if there have been periods of challenging weather.
When risk of night frost has passed and there is rain on the weather report you can over sow the mature lawn.
Have lawn fertilizer at hand for when the new plants have established. Again, when you fertilize the lawn try to time it with a rain shower to follow the application. It will work better this way.
Over sowing and fertilizing will make the lawn dense and wear tolerant. Weeds will be eliminate from establishing and it will enhance the visual appearance of the ornamental lawn.
When we come into season mowing often, rather that seldom and close, will also control weeds. Only grasses have a built in ability to grow back every time it is cut to the crown. Remember even the very fine lawn grass we known today were for thousands of years of evolution used to surviving being feed for grazing animals.
Speaking of spring activities for the garden owner, consider sharpening the blade of the mower. This makes for a cleaner cut and ultimately a better looking lawn!
If you feel inspired check out our TURFLINE selection and the newly launched TRIUMPH lawn mixture.