Become more independent and less vulnerable!

Get though extreme climatic conditions with a stable production throughout the year with our new products.

2018 might have been a struggle for many framers but we might have a solution when it comes to stable forage supply.

6 new products could be the answer for you if you want to become more independent of protein concentrates and if you also want to be sure of a more constant forage supply from your fields in extreme climatic conditions.

DLF Alfalfa
With its deep root system, alfalfa from DLF will yield constantly throughout the season even in periods of drought. In cases where other crops suffers in the phase of establishment, alfalfas from DLF do succeed.

This year we are introducing 4 new varieties to the market so it is only up to you to choose the variety you find most suitable for you.

ADANTINO delivers a high yield and keeps on going for years with high persistency and impressive verticillium resistance.

CIGALE will give you an impressive yield and it is not only highly suitable for dry summers but also cold winters, and for those who might have a problem with anthracnose this is the variety to choose.

MUSETTE has excellent yields early in season with up to 6 % more forage than current varieties. Furthermore, it fits perfectly in areas where anthracnose can be an issue.

QUADRILLE has an impressive disease tolerance against verticilium, it also impresses with high nematode resistance and with this variety your herd will enjoy home produced protein for years.

All our alfafas have an impressive protein content hence you will become less dependent on brought in highly expensive protein concentrates. However if you feel more confident in grasses and clovers we also have a new red clover entering the market.

DLF red clover
Red clover has long tap root to utilise moisture deeper in the soil, will supply you with forage during a season of drought.

SINOPE will boost you grass mixtures for the entire season with yield starting early in the spring and lasting for the entire season. This red clover also delivers high tolerance to diseases and will reason stay in your fields for many years.

To supply you grass mixture and to create a climatic robust grass mixture we highly recommend to try one of our new PLUS grasses.

Our PLUS grasses are grasses with qualities from both fescues and ryegrasses and now we have a new one in the segment of tall fescus PLUS.

DIAGRAM with qualities from both ryegrass and tall fescues is highly suitable for climatic challenged areas. It survives cold winters and it yield app. 30 % more than other grasses tested in same series.

Read more about our PLUS-grasses here or contact your local distributer of seeds from DLF if you want to know more about our new portfolio of protein and climatic tolerant products from DLF.