DLF-TRIFOLIUM has invested about DKK 5m in four new Haldrup forage plot harvesters allocated to the DLF forage research trials in Rennes, France, Zivotice, Czech Republic, Christchurch, New Zealand and in Kentucky, USA
The plot harvesters weigh the green matter yield from the forage plots and measure dry matter content and various quality parameters such as digestibility, sugar and protein content. The measurements are carried out continuously with online NIRS (Near Infrared Radiation Spectroscopy) equipment and calibrated based on chemical analysis in the laboratory. The harvesters measure two forage plots per minute, and DLF now has 11 NIRS forage plot harvesters operating in eight research stations worldwide. This provides quick and accurate information for the grass breeders to help them find the best forage candidates in the trial fields and identify tomorrow's top varieties.