Danespo is building new Headquarter and R&D facilities

The groundbreaking ceremony for Danespo's new development and research facilities and headquarter was held on Monday 22nd of January. The breeding facilities are expected to be ready for the R&D Department in early August. The headquarter will be ready in October.

The Mayor of Vejle Municipality, Jens Ejner Christensen, was pleased with the invitation to the groundbreaking ceremony.
- I am sure that Danespo, with the new buildings, will create some amazing frames for the development environment, which will ensure, that Danespo also in the future will develop quality potato varieties.

The groundbreaking ceremony marks the start of an exciting project, which Danespo has been working on for a long time. The new construction will first and foremost ensure the continued development in the breeding of new potato varieties. Subsequently, the new frames will also contribute to creating even stronger synergies in the organization.

Jens Holstborg, Managing Director of Danespo is looking forward to see the result of the new investment.
-It is important that we continue to focus strongly on developing new potato varieties that form the foundation of our business development. We always have to be at the forefront and have new varieties in our pipeline to be competitive. At the same time, we look forward to bringing the organization more together physically so that we can achieve an even higher degree of business leading synergies across our various departments.