The ability of some grasses to efficiently close gaps in the turf surface, is a competitive advantage that these grass species have developed through evolution.
When developing new turf grass varieties that are distinct and unique, we are often taking advantage of the features that nature has already come a long way developing on its own.
Grass species all have different characteristics and advantages. Annual grasses are ‘opportunistic’ and they are likely to develop and drop seeds early and fast, while perennial grasses are likely to explore vacant spots by bunch tillers, runners, stolons or rhizomes. The latter is a more persistent strategy.
The most efficient of the perennial gap fillers is the Smooth-stalked meadow-grass, also known as Kentucky blue grass. Within one year It will create in the vicinity of 1100 lateral shoots underground. That is significantly more lateral shoots than any other lateral spreading specie on the turf marked. Within one year a single plant can grow to a diameter of 60-80 cm.
This gap filling feature, combined with superior wear tolerance, is (one of) the reasons we love smooth-stalked meadow-grass.