Periods of drought demand extra of any crop – with DLF Alfalfa your will have a much higher yield than grass alone in periods of drought.
Belgian researchers tested mixtures of alfalfa and grass and the conclusion was astonishing. Alfalfa yield significant more even when mixed with grasses compared to grass alone. The reason is mainly fast regrowth after cut but also because of the stabile growth during periods of drought.
The researchers collected data at three different locations in Belgium during period of three years. They did not only have a look at the potential yield but also the nutrition value of alfalfa-grass mixtures and the overall purpose with the project was to increase self-sufficiency at farm level.
The yield in an alfalfa-grass mixture was compared to straight alfalfa, cocksfoot, tall fescue and bromes. The result clearly revealed a higher yield in alfalfa in straights and alfalfa-grass mixtures compared to grass alone.
Furthermore, it is worth to notice that the research project also revealed a higher yield at all three locations for alfalfa-grass mixtures in periods of drought.
For that reason, it is worth to consider using alfalfa-grass mixtures to be sure of a high yield even in periods of drought. DLF Alfalfa consist of several high quality varieties for this purpose
DLF Alfalfa also have a very high persistency and together with its nitrogen fixation, it becomes an economic favourable crop.
Click here to read more about DLF Alfalfa or contact your local distributor of products from DLF.