DLF at ETP Turf Expo

As a proud sponsor for the European Turfgrass Producers (ETP ) DLF is of course present at the first ETP Turf Expo, which is being held at Direct Gazon sod farm – Ysselesteyn (NL) today.

As a proud sponsor for the European Turfgrass Producers (ETP ) DLF is of course present at the first ETP Turf Expo, which is being held at Direct Gazon sod farm – Ysselesteyn (NL) today.

Turf growers from all over Europe and the rest of the World is gathered here for learning, networking and evaluating machinery and products for sod farming.

At the DLF stand you can hear about our innovative product 4turf® and why 4turf® is great for turf production.

Turf growers have high standards. They want to grow a perfect, yet easily maintained turf – but at the same time run an efficient business based on lower input costs and maximum output of top quality turf.

4turf® makes this happen.

4turf® is a new turf-type tetraploid perennial ryegrass. With 4turf® you get rapid establishment, growth in cool temperatures, and better environmental stress tolerance in a fine-leaved, highdensity turf-type tetraploid ryegrasses.

Perfect for turf production.

However 4turf® is not limited to turf production. If you want to know more about 4turf® for your professional turf click here.