DLF Grass Field Conference 2017

Protein and clover were the theme of DLF's third Grass Field Conference. The event generated plenty of lively discussion among the scientists and agriculture professionals who attended.

The science of clover and protein revealed at the DLF Grass Field Conference 2017

Amid the cosy surroundings of Herning a group of invited guests gathered for the third DLF Grass Field Conference. This group of scientists and agriculture professionals from across Denmark shared in lively discussions and ensured the third biannual conference was a spectacular success. The year's theme was protein and clover.

Enlightenment at the Grass Field Conference 2017

DLF had divided the conference into four sessions and brought in a variety of intriguing speakers with backgrounds in agriculture and engineering. Their brief was to tell the audience about the latest scientific discoveries in the use of a grass field as a protein source. Speakers revealed the results of trials that have ended and spoke about ongoing projects in which DLF is involved.

The day featured eight presentations, each followed by lively debate.

  • Use of protein derived from grass – latest news and results from developing projects
    • The extraction of protein for increased self-sufficiency and for feeding poultry and pigs.
  • Phytoestrogens in clover – variations between varieties and season
    • The optimal management and choice of clover variety in relation to phytoestrogens.
  • The value of a grass field in crop rotation
    • The advantages of a grass field and the increase in soil fertility and potential for following crop.
  • International Guest Speaker Presentation
    • Implementing the Irish/New Zealand grazing system in northern Germany.
  • Screening of grasses for grazing
    • Research into the most desirable DLF grass chosen by the cow – an organic grazing and screening trial in Jutland.
  • Clover percentage in a clover grass field
    • Optimal fertilisations based on digital field monitoring
  • Future challenges in breeding grasses
    • RADIMAX and genomic selection for more targeted breeding
  • Digital monitoring of clover grass fields
    • Radio-controlled and photographic analysis of a clover grass field.

Scientific approach

The Grass Field Conference is a useful way to build bridges between scientists and professionals. It is one of many steps taken by DLF to connect science with grass, breeding, and farming.

The good attendance and the lively debates tell us that it's well worth arranging another conference for 2019.

Read more

You can learn more about our Grass Field Conference 2017 on our report page.