DLF PLUS-grasses - When sustainable products increase agricultural productivity
DLF is part of the global vision of a sustainable future as summarized in the UN Global Goals. It is a focal point in our green agenda to provide farmers worldwide with sustainable agricultural solutions. PLUS-grasses are one of many new sustainable products developed by DLF, that increase agricultural productivity and goes hand in hand with a climate-neutral future.
DLF contributes to the green transition with research, that develops future forage solutions. PLUS-grasses are one of our solutions for farmers. These type of grasses are also well known under the Festulolium name. PLUS-grasses are advantageous, combining the traits of their parental components for improved performance. We offer two types of PLUS-grasses: Tall fescue PLUS and Ryegrass PLUS.
Tall fescue PLUS varieties have an optimal growth for a longer period under dry conditions due to an extensive and deep rooting system. Ryegrass PLUS varieties have higher persistency and better stress tolerance that minimize the risk of crop loss.
Food supply and security in a challenging environment
Extreme weather conditions occur more frequently across the globe. Dry periods during the growing season are not unusual. In some countries, periods with drought become increasingly severe and lenghty, which will aggrivate the growth conditions for the crop. Under these problematic conditions, there is certainly a risk of the harvest not going as planned, and creating insecurity in the food supply for both humans and animals.
Therefore, farmers require crops that can maintain growth for a longer period under dry conditions. PLUS-grasses meet these criteria, and at the same time farmers can produce higher yield per hectare with a lower CO2 impact.
Climate adapted PLUS-grasses provide more forage
For more than 35 years, DLF’s plant breeders have innovated green solutions by crossing different types of grasses.
With PLUS-grasses farmers will be able to:
Achieve stability over the season
PLUS-grasses have resilience to many external factors such as plant diseases and climate challenges like drought.
Obtain a higher production per ha
High dry matter yield provides up to 25% more forage per year and extend persistency by two years.
Experience a climate tolerant grass
PLUS-grasses are adapted to climate challenges and their deep rooting system enables them to better withstand dry periods.
An extra advantage of perennial crops with a deep rooting system is the potential to sequester carbon in the soil.
Concerning UN Sustainable Development Goals
DLF solutions are developed to maximize output and minimize the input of other resources by being resilient to shifting climate conditions. Optimised solutions from DLF reduce the global climate and environmental impact. DLF PLUS-grasses makes a unique contribution to
Ensure food supply security by increasing productivity (goal 2)
Take urgent action to combat climate change by carbon sequestration (goal 13)
Facts about PLUS-grasses
PLUS-grasses are a result of a complex Festulolium breeding programme that combines the best characteristics of each parent species; Lolium and Festuca. PLUS-grasses are sold by DLF within two main groups: Ryegrass PLUS and Tall fescue PLUS.
Festulolium is a forage grass developed by crossing Meadow Fescue (Festuca pratense) or Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) or Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum).
Festulolium combines robustness with a high persistence and stress tolerance including a fast growth and high productivity.