DLF select is a quality program to bring professional amenity-turf managers reliable access to the highest purity seed stocks they demand.
DLF is a world leader in the supply of high-performance turf seed to professional buyers for whom seed quality and seed purity are so closely connected one does not exist without the other.
Increased focus on sustainable, low input management and changes in legislation on weed-control products has affected the way we look at seed quality.
Seed purity plays an important part in the life of a swat or turf surface. Pure seeds that grow into a weed free turf is in high demand.
High standards of purity are becoming harder to accomplish, DLF Select is our response to this market need.
DLF select is a quality program to bring professional amenity-turf managers reliable access to the highest purity seed stocks they demand.
Seed purity is controlled by the international seed test association, ISTA.
The content of a representative sample of each harvested lot is subject to an ISTA –test.
If the seed lot quality is accepted according to ISTA demands, the lot is placed into one of six standard categories according to how well the lot passed the test.
To optimize our rolling two year production cycle we need to work in partnership with you. The more information we have about your future seed requirements the better we can plan to fulfill them.
We want to work closely with you to ensure you never miss out on the high purity seed your business demands.
Learn more about DLF select here.
To find out more about how DLF Select can work for you, contact your local sales representative.