Emirates Stadium, and their success with DLF seed mixtures, shown to select delegation

Together with some key distributors and customers, DLF UK recently hosted a groundsmens trip to the Emirates Stadium in London. Delegates were treated to a stadium tour, a look around the maintenance sheds and discussed how the Johnsons J Premier Pitch mixture has played a fundamental role in the recent re-build of the stadium pitch and the results it has already delivered.

Commenting on the day, Regional Manager for DLF Craig Spooner said, “It was a fantastic opportunity for our customers to see and hear first-hand how the Emirates team monitor and maintain their facilities. We had a great day for it, the turnout was fantastic and the feedback we’ve received from all so far has been very positive. I’d like to pass on my sincere thanks to Paul Ashcroft, Reece Watson and Alan Russell at the Emirates for delivering a factual and informative day for all.”

Johnsons J Premier Pitch is the UK’s No. 1 sports turf renovation mixture, featuring top rated perennial ryegrass cultivars. It is also available as J Nitro Premier Pitch, the ProNitro coated option.