A relatively warm summer in 2014 provided some challenges for grass growth in Denmark. But the yields were high anyway.
A relatively warm summer in 2014 provided some challenges for grass growth in Denmark as there were several summer weeks without rain. On soils without irrigation, this meant lower yields, but results from practical farming as well as trials showed that two of the main components in mixtures for cutting, Festulolium and Red clover, made it much better than fields only consisting of perennial ryegrass and white clover.
Farmers are reporting record yields in mixtures with red clover and Festulolium and in trial results just published mixtures with Festulolium and red clover yielded 20-25 % higher forage yield than a standard mixture with perennial ryegrass and white clover. There was also a high output of protein from clover, in this case well above 2 tons of crude protein per hectare.
Read more about ForageMax® mixtures with Festulolium and Red clover here