Impressive performance of DLF Alfalfa in unfavourable Swedish soils

What happens when you grow DLF Alfalfa and red clover in soils that are not typically associated with alfalfa?

DLF Alfalfa produces well in unfavourable soils
Even if your climate and soil aren't ideal for alfalfa, there's a good chance DLF Alfalfa will still give you a yield similar or better than red clover. That's the outcome of a two-year research project recently undertaken at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science.

Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences tested several varieties of alfalfa grown in soils that weren't typically good for it. They also grew the red clover under the same conditions. Throughout the tests they measured the yields, the sugar and protein contents, and the proportions of digestible and non-digestible protein.

DLF Alfalfa - Creno, Daphne and Ludelis – three varieties of alfalfa for non-typical soils
Alfalfa normally does best in a deep well-drained and nutrient-rich soil. In northern regions, however, this soil type is uncommon. But that doesn't mean you can't grow alfalfa profitably. The Swedish researchers found that two DLF Alfalfa varieties, DLF's Creno and Daphne, produced excellent results compared to red clover when grown in unfavourable soils.

Creno did particularly well. Although its yield was similar in 1st year of harvest to that of the red clover, Creno produced app 3000 kg/ha more than Titus did in 2nd year of harvest. And that's just the gross yield. Creno's protein concentration and protein digestibility were also well ahead of red clover in 2nd year of harvest.

Another DLF Alfalfa variety, Daphne, also performed better than red clover, proving that both Creno and Daphne would be good choices for the harsh Nordic climate and soil.

A third DLF variety called Ludelis was another strong performer. Ludelis did particularly well in unfavourable environments with sandy soils and a low pH.

Great results from DLF's Alfalfa breeding programme
DLF has achieved such good results for alfalfa after acquiring, in 2016, the alfalfa breeding programme and commercial alfalfa seed activities of Florimond Desprez.

DLF continues to expand its alfalfa portfolio by developing a string of high-performance alfalfa varieties under the name; DLF Alfalfa

To learn more about promising DLF Alfalfa, visit DLF's alfalfa programme online.