As of July 1, 2021, Klaus K. Nielsen will assume a new position in DLF as Director of Corporate External Affairs. Klaus K. Nielsen will be responsible for representing the company's strategic interests through dialogue and interaction with relevant authorities and industrial bodies globally.
He will work to ensure that the company's products are well positioned in relation to the green agenda, where topics such as sustainable production of forage and green proteins as well as carbon sequestration in soil are top of mind.
Klaus K. Nielsen has a strong professional background and his in-depth knowledge of the business is a solid foundation for safeguarding DLF’s interests in topics such as green and sustainable solutions for the green transition, and the regulatory framework in the value chain from plant breeding, field production and quality.
Klaus K. Nielsen will participate in relevant networks and he will ensure well-argued positions and one-voice on some of the complex and strategic key matters discussed and handled in these fora.
In the past 15 years, Klaus K. Nielsen has been responsible for the DLF Group's worldwide plant breeding activities. His commitment and knowledge has been a strong driver in keeping DLF's innovative development at a high level. In the future, Klaus’ previous area of responsibility will be handled by Derek Bartlem, who is taking over as Chief Scientific Officer in July 1, 2021.