The Argentine Seed Chamber has constituted its Board of Directors with Ing. Agr. Maximino Borsi, DLF as President
Export Sales Director in DLF, Maximino Borsi, takes over the chair from Ing. Agr. Guillermo Thisted, GAPP Semillas.
In the beginning of this year, DLF acquired the assets of Gapp Semillas S.A. headquartered with administration, warehouse facilities and a trial station in Pergamino, Argentina. The acquisition is a strategic move to enhance the development of a strong business platform in forage and turf seeds in South America.
The Cámara de Semilleristas de la Bolsa de Cereales (CSBC) is a non-profit civil association whose member companies specialize in research, breeding, production and trade of forage and turf seeds, and the associations goal is to promote, develop and expand seed trade.
CSBS was founded in 1955, its members currently represent approximately 90% of the Argentine market, in addition to related services.