More Milk with DLF launched at Grassland and Muck '14

DLF-TRIFOLIUM UK and Olivers Seeds were present with a major stand at the large exhibition “Grassland and Muck” recently held near Coventry in England.

DLF-TRIFOLIUM UK and Olivers Seeds were present with a major stand at the large exhibition “Grassland and Muck” recently held near Coventry in England. The More Milk with DLF concept was introduced and attracted a lot of attention from visitors at the large DLF/Oliver Seeds area.

One exciting development was the new range of Festulolium grasses – crossbreds of different types of fescue and ryegrass that last at least a year longer than conventional leys, says Tim Kerridge, agricultural director at DLF-TRIFOLIUM. “They are deeper rooting and more tolerant to sub-optimal conditions like drought and water stress, producing 25-40% higher yields under these conditions than conventional grasses.”

Grassland and Muck attracted around 13,500 grass enthusiasts from UK and abroad.

Read more about More Milk With DLF here