When you get down to essentials, only one factor counts in turf performance: uptime. Wear-tolerance, visual merit and other common evaluation criteria are important, but the real test of progress is whether you can squeeze more hours of play out of your sports pitch or golf course.
Our world-leading 4turf® range helps turf professionals increase their uptime. The more uptime you enjoy, the less likely you are to lose or postpone events for maintenance. Downtime in contrast is bad news: linked to lost revenues from green fees and extra costs involved in staff time and materials needed for repairs.
The uptime contribution of 4turf® starts from the time of establishment of new turf or the overseeding of existing turf. 4turf® gives you:
4turf®'s excellent drought-tolerance contributes to its gain in uptime. Drought-resilience is not just for the summer: it's also vital for dry spells during the crucial spring months when turf builds up the strength needed to withstand the stress of the coming playing season.
Disease-tolerance also increases uptime. As more and more plant-protection products face bans or use restrictions, genetic disease-tolerance is vital. By combining 4turf®'s high potential with a much wider range of species in turf-grass mixtures, we are able to minimise the risk of complete failure through disease attack. This keeps your turf playable for longer.
4turf® varieties are suitable for all situations in which you use diploid perennial ryegrass. 4turf®'s sociability makes it a reliable mixture constituent. It functions well as a foundation species able to boost stress-tolerance.
By improving uptime and requiring fewer inputs, 4turf® gives you a more durable and sustainable turf for easier grass management on areas of professional turf and on domestic lawns.
To place an order or talk about any aspect of 4turf®, contact your local DLF representative or product manager. Or click here to learn more about 4turf® and how it supports your product range.