Embarking on the promising implementation of GWS, DLF-TRIFOLIUM Research Division gears up in order to streamline tomorrow’s advanced breeding system.
DLF-TRIFOLIUM has intensified its implementation of GWS-based breeding of forage grasses by hiring Researcher, Dario Fé, who recently finalized his PhD in Quantitative Genetics at Aarhus University, Denmark.
Dario has been employed by DLF in a three-year research project as an Industrial PhD. As part of his PhD project, Dario pioneered the development and implementation of GWS in forage grass breeding together with breeders and scientists at DLF-TRIFOLIUM and Aarhus University. As a result of this collaborative effort the first GWS-based crosses were set up this year and new breeding protocols are currently being designed for faster product development.
“We are very excited about the results we have obtained so far”, says Klaus K. Nielsen, Director of Research and Development; “We are convinced, that this technology will have a great impact on our future operations”.
With this appointment DLF-TRIFOLIUM underlines its commitment in driving a strong, innovation-based breeding program for the development of next generation superior forage and turf grass varieties.
*GWS is a technology by which future varieties are selected due to their genetic potential for various important traits. This potential is calculated by super computers on the basis of a very extensive DNA marker profile, which is determined for each breeding line.