New varieties in the 2014-15 season

10 new forage and turf varieties will be launched on the market this year from DLF TRIFOLIUM.

Before launch of these varieties, the breeding and testing process has taken nearly 13 years. Each variety needs to be approved in official trials and recommended for use before producing the first certified seed. We are proud to present the following new varieties: New varieties under development


  • Red clover: CALLISTO - 2n
  • Perennial ryegrass: BORSATO - intermediate 2n, MOKARI - late 2n, KIMBUKO - late 2n
  • Westerwoldicum: AKTIV - 2n
  • Festulolium: HOSTYN - ryegrass type, MAHULENA - Tall fescue type


  • Red Fescue: GREENMILE and HUMBOLDT - Both Chewings fescue
  • Smooth-stalked meadow-grass: KAITOS