Read more about the abilities of the new variety, Feroz!
Above: susceptible variety
Above: Feroz with high resistancy against Grey Leaf Spot
Annual ryegrass is an important forage grass in South America, and DLF has a high-quality breeding programme that includes genetics from DLF in Brazil, Uruguay, New Zealand and the USA.
In 2021, five out of six top varieties in the official INASE (Instituto Nacional de Semillas) trials were from DLF – including the top three. The best diploid variety, Feroz, from our breeding programme in Brazil, is the first of our varieties with high resistance to rust and Grey Leaf Spot (Brusone), which can be a wide-scale problem in southern Brazil. The variety gives a large autumn and winter forage yield, and we expect heavy demand in the southern states of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná in the coming season.