Festuloliums are extraordinary grasses not nearly used to the extent they deserve. They represent the best of two worlds combined in on hybrid; growth speed and quality from the ryegrasses; persistency and stress tolerance from the fescues.
Yet, for many years they have lived a modest existence hiding in forage mixtures without drawing any particular attention to themselves. That may be about to change.
Take a look out of your window, check your local weather station and you may find the reason. I’ll bet the sun is shining, the rain-cup is bone-dry, and the weather forecast looks like something even the most demanding tourists could only envy. But what is great for tourists may be painful economical forecasts for plant producers. We are now counting the seventh year out of eight with spring drought in the Northern part of Europe. Nobody knows how devastating it will be this time, but spring yield will be impacted (again).
Read more about new results from the RadiMax root screening facility here