The EU (European Union) Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy set the over-arching agenda for European agriculture in the coming decades. We need to produce more with less, increase sustainability, restore nature and biodiversity, secure stable production of healthy food under more frequent and severe climate extremes, and find solutions to mitigate the climate changes.
To meet these huge challenges, we need to foster fast and novel solutions. The only chance we have to reach the goals is to gather all the available competencies.
In Denmark we have recently launched AgriFoodTure — the first mission-driven partnership that unites universities, research institutions, authorities, national- and international companies within the plant, dairy, meat, and ingredients sectors. The vision is to develop new, groundbreaking solutions and technologies that will assist Denmark in reaching its climate goals. The ambition is that the solutions will have global applications. The partnership is co-funded by the Danish government.
The first projects have already been initiated to develop tools, crops, and best practices to increase soil carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Being a core partner in AgriFoodTure, DLF is dedicated to contributing with solutions, which comprise specific grass and clover varieties developed for the purpose.
Read more about partnerships for climate in European Seeds Insiders article here.