Successful business relation day Netherlands

On November 30 DLF BV held a succesful business relaton day at their office in Kapelle.

Customers from all over the Benelux participated to learn about the new innovations of DLF and took a look behind the scenes at one of the biggest cleaning factories for grass seed in Europe.

In his opening speech, managing director Peter de Bruijn opened the day with a clear message: "We will help you to grow your business". The morning program consisted of presentations on DLF and the tight relationship with the customers, by Hendrik Nagelhoud (Sales Manager Benelux). Harry Smith (senior analyst farm inputs & farming – Rabobank) gave his view on the impact of big data on agriculture in the coming years.

In the afternoon DLF presented new developments on turf, forage grasses and green manure products. The program was completed with a guided tour in the factory and laboratory.

The 75 visitors were very satisfied with the content of the day. This program contributed to strengthen the relationship and knowledge exchange as key elements for further growth, for DLF and its customer.