Successful field days at DLF Estero

A few weeks ago, DLF Estero had the pleasure to invite visitors to field days at their research field in San José, Uruguay.

The attendance was great and the visitors presented the different DLF varieties. At the field days, the visitors tried to find the best match for different regional markets. Jorge Gari, Director of DLF Estero, said; “The visitors, mainly beef and dairy farmers and some of the important agricultural consultants, were really impressed by the large number and excellent appearance of the trials”.

The trials made during the field days included 42 varieties of annual ryegrass, 35 tall fescues and 25 cocksfoot varieties, 21 non dormant alfalfa varieties and 20 red clovers. The focus was, among other things, the advantages of mixing more than one species, a trend still in development in the local market.

The field days were also used to train two recently hired salespersons in DLF products and practices. In the future DLF will repeat this kind of events, using the field as a source of information and a tool to promote our products and company.