Are you also looking for superior persistence, stress and disease resistance in your field? Try our ForageMax with Tall Fescue PLUS.
Tall fescue PLUS, enhance ForageMax mixtures be bringing superior persistence, stress and disease resistance.
They are ideally suited to medium-long term grazing mixtures where they can be a valuable source of trace elements due to their deeper rooting system, but are also suitable for hay or silage.
Tall Fescue PLUS varieties are suitable to go into all types of mixtures. They can be used as a replacement for perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue and tall fescue and complement perennial and hybrid ryegrasses along with lucerne or red clover.
They increase the persistency of a mixture because they are able to tolerate challenging and stressful conditions. This is because they have a deeper rooting system, which means a greater tolerance to dry conditions
VersaMax - Robust is designed to be used where stress tolerance to disease, dry conditions and frost is needed. Therefore the Tall Fescue PLUS is an ideal component.
VersaMax - Robust is designed mainly for permanent pastures, but is also very suitable for one or two early cuts of silage or hay.
VersaMax - Robust is ideal, not only for cattle grazing but also for sheep and horses as it tolerates close grazing. The feed from VersaMax - Robust is palatable, but also supplies the animals with necessary fibre.
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You also have the opputunity to hear more about PLUS grasses if you contact your local DLF consultant.
Read more about tall fescue PLUS here
Read more about ryegrass PLUS here
Read more about the science behind PLUS grasses here