DLF organized a sucessfull seminar with focus on promoting profitable forage production in Russia.
“Modern forage production as main factor to increase farm profitability” was the theme for the seminar that took place at the Danish Embassy in Moscow December 1, 2016.
The purpose was to attract the attention of decision makers of big beef and dairy Agro-holdings - our current clients as well as new potential clients.
“Our main focus was on economic efficiency of utilization of high quality forage and feeding management,” says Evgeniy Kotov, head of DLF activities in Russia. 30 participants (chief agronomists and directors) from Belgorod, Voronezh, Moscow, Bryansk, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Tula and Yaroslavl regions attended the seminar, and the technical info vas provided by product specialists from DLF.
Due to "import substitution," state policy, milk and meat production in Russia tends to grow. However, the major part of forage grass seed for this potentially big market is produced locally on old Soviet varieties bred in the 70th-80th and many VNS (Variety Not Stated) cultivars of lower feeding quality compared to the newer ones from EU. Fortunately, modern agroholdings and new dairy projects pay increasingly attention to feeding quality of forage & silage.
DLF has a good position in this high-end segment supplying seed to key customers including well known milk and meat producers. “By using these references, taking part in seminars/field days and supporting with farm advising we put our efforts to develop the market of quality grass seed for agriculture in Russia,” says Evgeniy Kotov.
DLF´s Evgeniy Kotov together with the Danish Ambassador to Russia, Mr. Thomas Winkler