Turf mixtures for the most demanding professional usage

The perfect solution when only the best quality is acceptable. The Masterline® mixtures always have two varieties of each species in order to maximize the adaptation of the mixture to the various climate and soil conditions.

Our MASTERLINE® mixtures are designed to comply with demanding professional usage and our mixtures are used for prestigious projects such as football stadiums, golf courses, parks and residential areas.

Our focus is on the fine-leaved dense varieties with outstanding disease, wear and drought tolerance and through our 4turf® concept it is possible to prolong the sason in both spring and autumn.

MASTERLINE® is the right solution, when only the best quality is acceptable
In the MASTERLINE® brochure, you can read about 4turf® which is added to most of the mixtures and ProNitro® which can be added. And you can of course read about each of the mixtures.

Download the new MASTERLINE® brochure here

Other language versions are available under Downloads, Masterline.

You can also read about the different Masterline mixtures here.