What To Do, When Plant Breeding Is Not Enough?

Klaus K. Nielsen, Chief Scientific Officer in DLF, gives his scientific view on how to keep turf weed free in European Seed INSIDERS series

Through breeding we enhance our turf varieties to withstand wear, diseases and difficult climatic conditions that are present at sports pitches and golf courses. This sets the grounds for the perfect green pitch for the sportsmen, and for spectators all over the world to look at when broadcasted on high resolution TV screens. But sometimes the core product – the highest quality seed – and the maintenance is not enough to make the perfect visual and playing surface. Read more about what to do with this problem in the article published in INSIDERS.

DLF Select - purity you can rely on

DLF select is a quality program to bring professional amenity-turf managers reliable access to the highest purity seed stocks they demand. Read more about DLF Select here.