New ForageMax® mixture makes up for poor maize harvest
A poor maize harvest in 2015 has left many dairy farmers short. They may not make enough maize silage for feeding in early summer 2016. To help them through this difficult period, we have developed a special fast-establishing mixture that can be cut within eight weeks of sowing.
Replace maize with grass and avoid buying extra feed
Farmers who suffered a poor 2015 maize harvest may not have to buy in additional feed to compensate for a shortage of maize silage in summer 2016. A new ForageMax® mixture establishes so fast, it can be cut within eight weeks.

Ready in just eight weeks
CutMax Early establishes fast because its main constituents are Westerwold and Italian ryegrass, the two fastest establishing species in the seed grower's portfolio. When sown in spring, Italian ryegrass produces a very high quality, yet stemless forage crop. To compensate, the fast stem formation of the other component, Westerwold ryegrass, helps to keep the crop upright. And of course Westerwold also provides good quality forage.
To extend the growing season, we have added perennial ryegrass which boosts production in the summer and autumn months. In mild areas you may even be able to take a high first cut during the following year. For most growers, however, CutMax Early should be treated as an emergency crop for use in the year of sowing only.