DLF grass technology helps world-class footballers win medals in Brazil in August

Our seed scientists are back in Brazil for the second time in two years. In 2014, we helped Brazilian groundsmen prepare their stadiums for the world's biggest festival of football. This year we are helping them get ready for the footballing element of the world's largest celebration of sport and athletics, and it starts with the opening ceremony at Brazil's Olympic stadium, Maracanã, on August 5th.


All the sporting action at the Olympic Games takes place during Brazil's cool season. Since that is the period of dormancy for tropical Bermuda grass, the turf of choice for Brazilian football stadiums, remedial action is needed to prepare the pitches for international football.

The solution is the same as the one that was successfully adopted in 2014: overseeding with a special turf mixture developed through DLF plant-breeding research. The mixture, which has proven to be optimal for the Brazilian climate and geography, provides a perfect and uniform playing surface for all matches of the tournament. It includes our top-performing perennial ryegrass varieties and exclusive 4turf® technology.

Maximino Borsi, Export Director from DLF Estero in South America, is confident that the pitches will be ready for the players in August. He says, "We have plenty of experience in optimising local sports grasses, and are in close cooperation with the grass specialists and professional constructors responsible for the pitches. We have no doubt, that Brazil will once again present top-class football on top-class grass."

There is a DLF turf mixture for professional sport in every corner of the globe. To find out about turf mixtures that are optimal for your climate and geography, speak to your local DLF representative.