Take advantage of the latest advances in breeding by adding new varieties to your business

Fresh from the 2017 crop, these new grass and clover varieties are now ready to order and bring new value to your business.



Red clover HAMMON
Scores highly for general impression, persistency, winter hardiness and anthracnose.

White clover BRIANNA
Very large leaved with high total yield, and high persistency when cut.

Smooth-stalked meadow-grass CHESTER
High persistency and an even yield distribution.

Perennial ryegrass CLAUDINE
High density with fine leaves and excellent rust resistance. Combines wear and ornamental characteristics.

Chewing’s fescue FULMAR
Very fine-leaved and dense and a very high score for close mowing.

Smooth-stalked meadow-grass ANISHA
Fine-leaved and dense with good wear-tolerance.

At least eight more new grass and clover varieties will also reach the market through the usual DLF distribution channels. This has been a very successful year and a vindication of our continued investment in R&D.