A new symbol for high digestibility helps boost farm profitability

DLF Fiber Energy is the new badge on our range of highly digestible forage varieties. These are the varieties that release more energy from every mouthful of grass. Look out for the DLF Fiber Energy symbol in our improved 2019 portfolio.


A new symbol identifies our most highly digestible varieties

Farmers are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs and increase output. Now they have an easily identifiable symbol that points them towards more profitable meat and milk production: DLF Fiber Energy.

DLF Fiber Energy is the new badge on our ever-improving range of highly digestible grass varieties. The badge helps farmers choose the best varieties to increase their production of meat and milk, reduce their production costs, and improve their standards of animal welfare, while lowering their environmental impact.

Grass digestibility is fundamental to the performance of dairy and beef herds. An animal's rumen can only hold so much, which puts a limit on the amount of energy it can take in.

Improving the cell-wall digestibility of grasses increases the overall feed value of every single mouthful. It raises the maximum energy uptake, giving animals more energy from the same amount of feed. The results are clear to see: more milk per cow per day.

Science improves cell-wall digestibility

DLF Fiber Energy symbolises a grass-breeding programme to develop varieties with more readily digestible cell-wall fibre. We're constantly working to breed in characteristics that help farmers improve their feed value and quality – and ultimately their profitability. Varieties that proudly bear the DLF Fiber Energy symbol release more energy from every mouthful. They've been specially bred to increase the live-weight gain or milk yield of grazing animals.

Read more about DLF Fiber Energy here

DLF Fiber Energy to feature in our 2019 portfolio

The DLF Fiber Energy symbol has been well-received by customers who understand that focusing farmers' minds on the feed value and digestibility of grasses unlocks new opportunities. Now everyone can benefit from an easily recognised symbol for a highly successful science-based breeding programme, and the top-quality grasses it produces.

Read a case study about high digestability = higher feed intake here

Our new DLF Fiber Energy symbol will feature on our 2019 portfolio. Highly digestible varieties bearing the DLF Fiber Energy symbol are a perfect fit for the range and will help farmers choose the right seed for the challenges they face.

See the list of DLF Fiber Energy varieties here

Find out more

To understand how the DLF Fiber Energy symbol will be good for you, your farmers, and their livestock, please contact your local DLF area manager