Under-performing grass? Find a new variety to boost production

Is focus from your customers to get higher yields from their herds? If so, our 2018/19 batch of new-season varieties should breathe fresh life into their fields, their herds, their bottom line - as well as yours.


More choices from 17 new forage varieties

With 17 new varieties listed on national and recommended lists in Europe in 2019, there's bound to be something that's just right for your customers. The range of newly listed varieties shows the strength of the DLF breeding program.

Intermediate diploid

MAQUI – Resists crown rust and helps keep production above average – great for grazing and cutting.

Intermediate tetraploid

CONVEY – Early spring growth is ideal for anyone who wants to boost production by up to 5% in the first cut.

Late diploids

MOOLA – High quality feed at both first and second cuts from a forage grass that covers the ground, year after year.

REDDING – Highly resistant to rust, and rewards farmers with an incredible yield.

SWAN – Excellent ground cover, year after year – leaves little space for weeds to degrade sward quality.

Late tetraploids

BOUDICA – A late grass variety that's ideal for cutting, and which produces a remarkable yield in the first cut.

HOPI – Hugely energetic tetraploid grass variety that boosts your production throughout the entire season.

MELLARE – Persistent and productive, year after year, with an impressive yield.

TAPPIANA – A forage grass variety with plenty to offer: high production in the first cut, rust resistance, and disease resistance.

Italian ryegrass

SEZINA – Combines rust resistance with high late-summer and autumn production.

TWIPPER – Enjoy an instant yield with high digestibility.

Red clover

SINOPE – Up to 15% higher yield in the first cut, and up to 13% higher clover output in the third year.

DLF Alfalfa

ADANTINO – Spring starter with Verticillium resistance.

CIGALE – Winter tolerant variety with a high level of anthracnose tolerance.

MUSETTE – Combines anthracnose resistance with generous production and a high yield.

QUADRILLE – Impressive disease tolerance means your herds will be enjoying protein for many years to come.

Tall fescue PLUS

DIAGRAM – Earn an incredible yield (up to 30% more), plus protein and impressive winter tolerance.

A constant supply of new varieties

The pressures on farmers to become more efficient and to increase yields are never-ending. The thought that we can help is what drives us forward. We draw on our extensive genetic base and use the latest technologies to identify and evaluate suitable varieties – the varieties that give farmers more productive fields and better-yielding herds.

The task of identifying a new variety, getting it through national tests, and onto recommended lists is tough. But every year we pass the tests and release a batch of new varieties with the characteristics you want: improved yield, disease resistance, better digestibility, winter hardiness – to name but a few. There's always plenty of new material to choose from.

Research that gets to the root of the problem

We recently began researching what goes on beneath the soil surface. We want to increase our understanding of how roots develop, and what traits or qualities produce the best outcome.

The project, known as RADIMAX, involves cameras, glass tubes, and wires to measure root development. The knowledge we gain will eventually help us develop forage grasses with better nutrient efficiency, drought tolerance, and other traits that support farm production and sustainability.

With so many superb new species on offer, it's impossible to describe them adequately in just a few words.

Please contact your local area manager if you'd like to know more about any of the varieties mentioned above and when they will be available in your area.