Prepare your pitch for its best season yet
The time to overseed is now!
Winter can be hard on sports pitches: too much aggressive play and too little growth to compensate. Now is the time to overseed and fix it – to prepare the pitch for its densest and greenest season yet.
Overseeding gets hard-wearing sports pitches off to an early start – just as the soil temperature begins to rise. In much of Central and Eastern Europe, that means right now.
Fast, low-temperature establishment with Expressmaster and Expressmaster Plus
Late autumn to early spring is the toughest period for sports pitches. Low temperatures, hard feet, and minimal growth create bare patches for invasive weed species.
Our Expressmaster and Expressmaster Plus mixtures can fix the problem and the earlier you overseed, the sooner the pitch can recover from winter damage.
These two mixtures are the masters of low-temperature establishment and they establish faster and are quick to repair themselves.
Expressmaster and Expressmaster Plus extend the growing season into months when other grasses would be dormant – for pitches in urgent need of repair, nothing beats them.
4turf® – the heart of our Expressmaster mixtures
Our unique 4turf® perennial ryegrass is the turf of champions and the preferred seed for many of France's leading sports stadiums this summer.
4turf® is fast, strong establishing, and highly tolerant of wear – and a vital ingredient of our overseeding mixtures. Expressmaster contains 25% 4turf®; Expressmaster Plus contains 50% 4turf®.
Order now when time and soil temperatures are ideal for early overseeding
To order Expressmaster or Expressmaster Plus speak to your local DLF contact person or call us at
Tel.: +45 46 33 03 00.