



Early and with Top Yield

Meadow Fescue x Italian Ryegrass
PERUN is a tetraploid variety of festulolium, Italian ryegrass type but with better persistence.

Yield and Quality
The yield is high with relatively high sugar content. PERUN is utilised for silage as pure crop or in mixture with other grasses like perennial ryegrass, tall fescue types of festulolium and red clover. In such mixtures, PERUN participates with high dry matter yield - especially in the 1st and 2nd harvest year - with very good quality.

Promising Trial Results
Official trials in UK have shown very early spring growth and very high yields in the 1st cut. Good resistance to rust, Dreschlera leaf spot and mildew. Yields under short growing season in Denmark, Canada and USA are also very promising.


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Rust tolerance
Winter hardiness
Spring growth (early)
Ground cover
Grazing tolerance
Mixture adaptation
  • Combining yield and quality
  • Fast establishment, High 1st cut yield
  • Very early spring growth, intermediate heading
  • Good resistance to diseases

Lateness: Intermediate