Shady Place is a top quality mixture which will maintain the appearance and colour of the lawn in shady conditions.
A top quality mixture specially formulated to produce an excellent lawn under shady conditions with good drought tolerance. A mixture of shade tolerant grasses will give the additional benefit of a top quality lawn which will maintain its appearance and colour in dry conditions.
For semi and relatively dense shaded areas under trees and next to high walls and hedges. An ideal mixture for overseeding in spring or autumn.
To create and maintain a high quality lawn use an appropriate seedbed fertiliser before sowing. Once the lawn is established apply an appropriate lawn feed as required and overseed the lawn annually.
Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced
Johnsons Shady PlaceTemperate and dry climate |
Mixture Composition | |
Strong- and slender creeping red fescue | 50 % |
Perennial ryegrass | 30 % |
Kentucky blue grass | 10 % |
Rough-stalked meadow-grass | 10 % |