Festuca trachyphylla

Hard fescue

Ridu can do!

RIDU produces a dark blue/green fine leaved, low growing turf. It has a quick establishment and a medium-slow growth with an early greening up in spring.

Resistant and Tolerant
RIDU has a good resistance against diseases, a high salt tolerance and a high winterhardiness and drought tolerance. In addition, the shade tolerance is very high.

Use of RIDU
RIDU is recommended in mixtures for less intensive areas like roadsides, banks, and dunes, among others. However, RIDU can also play an important role in shade tolerant mixtures for ornamental purpose.

  • Easy to establish.
  • Grows well in light, sandy soil.
  • Good overall impression.
  • High winterhardiness and drought tolerance.


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Close mowing
Salt tolerance
Red thread tolerance
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