Lolium perenne

Perennial ryegrass

Very dense and rust resistant

Very attractive variety

Antonella has very fine leaves and impressive density.

The visual merit is very high and makes it an obvious choice for ornamental purposes.

The visual merit is also high in tougher conditions during the drier summer months and the shade tolerance is very good.

No compromise on wear tolerance

Despite the very high esthetical value, the wear tolerance as well as the recovery after wear is excellent.

Excellent tolerance to rusts

The disease tolerance is very high, in particular for the common crown rust disease.

  • Excellent rust tolerance
  • Very fine leaves
  • Extreme high density
  • Good visual merit during summer months
  • Good wear tolerance and recovery


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Rust tolerance
Salt tolerance
Wear tolerance
Shade tolerance
Red thread tolerance


Source: GEVES 2014 (France)
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