Poa trivialis

Rough stalked meadow grass

For Cool and Shady Conditions

Growth Caracteristics
Poa trivialis thrives under cool, humid and shady conditions. It is grown under many climatic conditions. It is normally used in mixtures with other species like Poa pratensis and red fescue.

Poa trivialis tolerates lower mowing heights than Poa pratensis because it is a bunch-growing grass (Poa pratensis is stoloniferous). This is used in overseeding of warmseason grasses in the dormant period.
Especially on golf greens Poa trivialis performs very well in the winter time under very low cutting heights.

Exellent for overseeding
DASAS has an erect growth habit which is a great advantage in overseeding of golf greens. It allows a low cutting height and a good straight ball run.

  • Fine overall impression
  • High shade tolerance
  • Good frost tolerance
  • Erect growth habit


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Close mowing
Salt tolerance
Winter hardiness
Shade tolerance
Low temp.
Red thread tolerance

Content of Poa trivialis in mixtures

Source: DASAS - the well-known safe choice!
Use of Dasas Content in mixtures Other components
Mixture for shady places 10-15% Red fescue/hard fescue, Poa pratensis, perennial ryegrass
Mixture for overseeding of golf greens 10-20% Perennial ryegrass
Mixture for winterfootball-pitches 20-30% Perennial ryegrass
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