Poa nemoralis

Wood meadow grass

Excellent shade tolerance and winter hardiness

Unique variety for a special segment: Shade!

ENHARY is one of the few varieties of wood meadow grass that can actually be grown for seed in a commercial way. 


It is medium green in colour and fine to medium fine leaved in texture. Wood meadowgrass has excellent shade tolerance. 

It has a very good winter hardiness.  This species does not withstand frequent mowing.

Recommended use

Mixtures for shade caused by trees, buildings etc. with no or infrequent mowing especially with fine fescues, bent grasses, perennial ryegrass and smooth stalked meadowgrass.

  • Superior shade tolerance
  • Very winter hardy
  • Medium green colour
  • Fine-leaved


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Close mowing
Salt tolerance
Winter hardiness
Shade tolerance
Red thread tolerance
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